Zodiac Signs

3 Couples From The Horoscope Who Break Up By Autumn

This summer is full of love challenges for 6 zodiac signs.

According to astrologers, these couples are doomed to failure. The predictions are based on general astral aspects and do not apply to all natives of these signs.

Relationships in which there are already breaks and problems will suffer. And if certain unpleasant situations arise in functional relationships, they will be resolved, and separation can be avoided.

Therefore, if you are on the blacklist of the horoscope, you only have to take into account the recommendations and take the challenges as opportunities for growth.

Aries and Libra

This couple faces intense conflicts and misunderstandings. Both partners will feel pressured to follow their paths, which will lead to frequent arguments.

Being opposite signs, the stars will act in the mirror. When Aries is advantageous in their career, Libra needs more romance. On the contrary, when Aries will have an excellent period in terms of love (especially in August), Libra’s interests will be different.

Aries, known for its impulsive and passionate nature, will feel the need for action and adventure. Libra, on the other hand, yearns for harmony and balance. Conflicts will arise when Aries makes quick decisions without consulting their partner, which will make Libra feel neglected and underappreciated. Until autumn, many of these natives will decide to go their separate ways to find their inner peace.

The astrologer’s recommendation: Communicate openly and honestly about your feelings. Find a balance between your needs and those of your loved one.

Gemini and Virgo

This couple has a very interesting influence on the planet Mercury because it is the ruler of both signs. But this can be extremely disadvantageous, especially when we talk about relegation. This summer, Mercury will be retrograde between August 4 and 28, a crucial period for the relationship between Gemini and Virgo.

They will be tested by the stars through their personality differences. Gemini, adventurous and open to new experiences, will feel limited by the analytical and critical nature of Virgo. Communication, although initially strong, will turn into tension and frustration.

Virgo will become increasingly critical of Gemini’s unpredictable behavior, and they will begin to feel suffocated and misunderstood.

The astrologer’s solution: Communicate openly in your relationship and try to fix the differences between you. Everyone can learn from the other, but it is important not to criticize each other constantly.

Leo and Scorpio

The relationship between Leo and Scorpio will be marked by power struggles and jealousy. Leo, with his need for admiration, will frequently come into conflict with Scorpio, who is intense and possessive. This summer, Leo will seek to assert himself and be the center of attention, which will arouse Scorpio’s insecurities. He, in turn, will try to control and manipulate to maintain his influence on his partner. These dynamics will generate tension, and the passion in their relationship will turn into resentment.

Also worth noting is the fact that Neptune’s retrograde began on July 2nd and lasts until December 7th, taking place right in the house of relationships for this sign. This means a lot of pain in the love sector.

Astrologers’ advice: Recognize and respect your partner’s needs. Avoid power struggles and allow yourself to be vulnerable, for the sake of your relationship.

So, these are the 3 couples in the horoscope disadvantaged by the summer astrological transits. However, astrologers recommend managing difficult situations with a lot of calmness and patience, because there is hope for everyone.

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