Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs About To Repair A Fractured Relationship In May


Cancer, your first step toward mending this fractured relationship is finally admitting you’ve been hurt. In your attempt to always take the high road, you’ve kept everything you’ve been thinking and feeling bottled up inside, which has only caused additional damage. You may have thought you were avoiding drama, but in trying to maintain outward calm, you ended up creating inner chaos. No matter what comes of this attempt at making peace, you need to remember that your own is a priority. Being true to yourself, and prioritizing your feelings, allows you to come to the table from a place of emotional maturity. Once others see you do care, they will readily address the ways they can improve upon the relationship.


Scorpio, you’re about to do the unthinkable and give someone you care about a second chance. Usually, with you, there is no turning back once you’ve cut someone off, but you’re finally coming around to the fact that people are human. We err. And knowing you are a fallible being means you have to allow the same in others. Letting go of these hypocritical double standards is the only way you will ever maintain longstanding relationships. Just because people occasionally let us down, doesn’t mean they can never make it up to us. Every time you show empathy and forgiveness, someone will be more likely to do the same for you. Put that good karma out into the world.


Aquarius seeks a professional intermediary to help facilitate the repair of their fractured relationship. There is no shame in seeking support that it can provide true healing for both parties, whether that comes in the form of a psychologist, an HR representative, or another counselor. Sometimes the conflicts we are facing are bigger than we can contend with on our own. Sometimes we are not equipped to put the pieces back together. If you would call a professional to repair your air conditioner, why wouldn’t you do the same for a close relationship? Both parties will learn and grow through the experience, seeing how dedicated the other is willing to be toward finding reconciliation. Sometimes we all just want to feel like we’re worth fighting for.


Pisces is about to extend an olive branch to someone in their life with whom they’ve had recent turmoil. Enough time has passed and they have forgotten whatever it was that caused the initial rift, and they are willing to move forward in the spirit of mutual forgiveness. Pisces’ imagination ran wild with the idea of a life separated from this person they hold dear, and made a concerted decision that they wanted a different outcome. Sometimes that’s all it takes to turn an argument around. For one party to admit how much they care about the other. We all get mad and quarrel at times, but it’s important to come back to the idea that we are better, stronger, and happier together.

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