Zodiac Signs

4 Zodiacs Who Will Have Main Character Energy This Spring

The sun enters Aries on March 19, marking the start of a new astrological year and the beginning of spring. With Aries season at play, this time of year is all about taking intuitive action and steps towards self-assertion. Although the willpower of Aries season impacts all signs, these four Zodiac members are particularly influenced, causing them to reach new heights in personal development this spring.


Aries season is a shift into a slower pace of life for you, Taurus. As a fixed earth sign, you’re at home in the spring months and begin to see elements of personal expression reflected in the natural world around you. This brings about great comfort and solace. You may have spent large amounts of time on fun or superfluous activities over winter, but spring provides an opportunity for enhanced self-reflection. Personal alignment is the name of the game for you this spring, and in the coming months, this process and the resulting action steps come quite naturally.


As the sign associated with self-expression, the main character’s energy is something you strive for, Leo. As a fixed fire sign, the cardinal nature of Aries season gives you the push you’ve been needing to move forward. As seasons shift closer to summer, you thrive on enhanced daylight and more time in the sun. You’re known for your joviality, but prone to retreating in silence if you feel unseen, underappreciated, or scared. The movement of spring inspires you to take action and put yourself out there. You’re developing self-validation, a skill necessary to allow your expression full space to shine.


As Aries’ adversary, Libra, the juxtaposition of Aries season amplifies ways in which you’ve been challenged to learn and grow. Although many of these qualities seem to be in contrast with your natural nature, they ironically mirror the exact lessons you’ve been needing to learn. You’re prone to indecision and sharing half-truths, and you’re being encouraged to learn the importance of putting your authentic voice forward. Valuing yourself adds to the harmony of the world rather than distracts from it. These lessons carry themselves into the remainder of the Zodiac year, as you learn to see the importance of placing your goals, values, and integrity above all else.


Things may feel as if they’ve been slipping backward for you, Capricorn. Rest assured the start of a new Zodiac year is prime time for rediscovering motivation for both long and short-term goals. Being the high achiever you are, the intuitive movement of Aries season will bring about great comfort as it challenges you to new heights. As a practical and level-headed Zodiac member, you benefit from the fiery intensity of the Aries season as it contrasts against the grounded nature of your own. You’re undergoing a process of reconnecting with your sense of purpose. This spring, steps you need to take reveal themselves effortlessly, and others see and are inspired by the ways you’re showing up in the world.

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