Toxic men are easy to recognize from miles around.
They always make you uncomfortable about what you have done and make you feel like you have to fight to get their attention.
Toxic men are real confidence destroyers because they can’t stand the fact that you trust yourself in front of them. They would do anything to prove to you that you are not good enough.
These are obvious signs in which they show their toxic nature, but there are also many sneaky signs of them that they use and you probably haven’t paid attention to them.
Toxic men are rather good at appearing nice and mean at the same time.
They always find a way to get what they want and sometimes they use tactics that are not so easy to spot.
Here are 5 sneaky ways that poisonous men try to grab your attention and hide their manipulative ulterior motives
1. They are victims of their past
Toxic men will tell you how they have been deceived and abused in their past relationships.
They will tell you all this not because they want to share their painful past with you, but because they want you to have mercy on them.
Toxic men want you to have mercy on them so that in the future, when they start to behave badly towards you, they will have an alibi.
In this way, they will be sure that you will not judge them because they have gone through a lot.
Instead, you will be patient and understanding, not knowing that they have manipulated you into making you act that way.
If you feel like they are trying to play this victim game with you, run for your life and never turn around.
2. They want to know everything about you
I know it feels good when someone is interested in you and wants to know everything about you.
But poisonous men don’t do that because they care about your past or you in general.
They do it because they want to target your weaknesses. They want to know every detail of your life so they can turn it against you at the right time.
If you can identify his behavior with other items on this list, be sure he doesn’t want to know everything about you because he likes you.
It just collects your weaknesses so it can be used to manipulate you.
3. They claim they like the same things you do
If they say they like all the TV shows you like, or they’ve read all the books you’ve read or watched the same movies as you, don’t believe them.
Toxic men will reflect your actions and your behavior so that they can get closer to you.
Their ultimate goal is to make you feel like you’ve known them forever.
By pretending that they are in the same things as you, they want to appear as your equal.
Don’t let them fool you. If you feel he is bullshit, know that you are probably right.
4. They cover you with compliments
Toxic men will tell you that they have never met someone like you.
They will praise your eyes, your hair and your skin and they will do everything to make you feel like the most appreciated woman in the world.
But beware. Toxic men will do it because they know that if they constantly flatter you, they will make you feel amazing and you will appreciate them for it.
Toxic men only use excessive compliments to lure you into their toxic world full of lies and manipulation.
We all want to be flattered and loved for who we are, but if you notice he’s obsessed with flattering you, think twice before letting him into your world.
5. They’re obsessed with talking to you about the future
Toxic men know that every woman wants to be sure that she can count on her man to stay even if things get difficult.
This is why they will constantly talk about the future with you, only to reassure you that you will be safe with them.
They want you to think that you are protected and that someone will take care of you, when in reality they know that they are only selling you their wishful thinking to attract you to stay with them.