Zodiac Signs

Big Change: For These Zodiac Signs Everything Changes Until Christmas

Even though Advent is traditionally seen as a time of waiting, the coming weeks are full of change and drive for these three zodiac signs. Whether in love, in their career, or a completely different life goal – the time until Christmas will be exciting for them. Starting with the new moon on December 1st, the horoscope for these zodiac signs promises great change – and that before the holidays.

New goals, new plans, new luck: For these zodiac signs, everything changes until Christmas

1. Aries

Aries have been longing for a new adventure for a long time and now the time has finally come. With the new moon on December 1st, the time has come to finally throw yourself into new challenges and experiences . The star sign should leave old routines behind and embrace new things – no problem with all the energy that the stars are giving Aries until Christmas. Dare to change your life, dear Aries.

2. Sagittarius

With the sun in their sign, Sagittarius can also look forward to big and, above all, positive changes in their lives. The stars couldn’t be better aligned! They give Sagittarius more than enough energy to turn their lives around. Perhaps love changes could be on the horizon, because with Venus in Aquarius from December 7th, the star sign is on a cuddly course – and who knows, dear Sagittarius, perhaps the time has come for the next step.

3. Pisces

Pisces is also initiating major changes just before Christmas. They are brimming with self-confidence and are demanding what they are entitled to, which could pay off, particularly in a professional context. With the new moon on December 1st, Pisces are re-sorting their priorities and can thus tackle their goals with commitment and perhaps even achieve them before the holidays. Trust your intuition, dear Pisces, it will guide you in the right direction.

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