Zodiac Signs

Everything Will Change For These Two Zodiac Signs In Autumn 2024

The influence of the planets and stars should never be underestimated. Two signs of the zodiac will learn this the hard way in autumn 2024. EVERYTHING will change for them in the coming weeks. The 180-degree turn in their lives can include both positive and negative aspects and, according to the horoscope, often presents the zodiac signs with one or two major challenges.

The affected zodiac signs are advised to accept every twist and surprise in the coming weeks with a cool head and positivity and to make the best of them. Ultimately, it is your attitude that determines how certain events affect your life and well-being. If the zodiac signs accept the challenges and make the best of them, the universe will not notice.

According to the horoscope: For these two zodiac signs, things will change in autumn 2024

1. Aquarius

Aquarius will be kept on its toes by two planets in September and October 2024. Venus and Jupiter bring changes in love, career, and the zodiac sign’s happiness. Romantic highs are now just as possible as heartbreak and lovesickness, and professional success can be followed by devastating lows.

The zodiac sign should therefore be told that it should approach every success in the coming weeks with caution. Just because something seems positive at first doesn’t mean that the zodiac sign can sit back and relax. Only with iron discipline and special mindfulness will successes remain successes in the coming weeks – and will not be destroyed by a deep fall.

2. Pisces

The full moon on the 18th gives the Pisces zodiac sign outstanding intuition, but at the same time also brings new and turbulent challenges. For the zodiac sign, emotional healing and personal development are now the priority, which should be approached with mindfulness and consideration. Inner wounds do not heal immediately and require dedication and patience. If the zodiac sign breaks away from the healing flow of processing too quickly, it can be drawn into a whirlpool of negativity …

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