Zodiac Signs


Today we decided to find out which would be the perfect shoe for your zodiac sign. How? You still don’t have it in your shoe cabinet? Run to buy it!

Didn’t you think you could rely on your zodiac sign to make a decision like this … down to earth? Ok, okay: let’s stop with the jokes and move on to serious things. For each zodiac sign there is a perfect type of shoe , which would always go in the shoe cabinet. Ready to discover yours?

The perfect shoe for your zodiac sign

What do you say, would you like to discover with us which is the perfect shoe for your zodiac sign ?

Don’t make that surprised face: every zodiac sign has a shoe that is perfect for him, just as every zodiac sign has its own style of dressing !
Today we decided to focus on shoes: do you think you know which one is perfect for your zodiac sign?

Aries: red shoes with heels

Dear Aries , after all, we already told you this in the list of the perfect colors for your zodiac sign .
Red, for you, is king! That is why a beautiful, slim-heeled, red-colored shoe is absolutely perfect for you!


Those born under the sign of Taurus will surely not be offended to hear that the perfect shoe for them would actually be… a slipper!
Don’t blame us, dear Taurus : it’s simply about telling the truth! You like comfortable shoes … better if they are made to stay at home!


There are those who would believe that, for those born under the sign of Gemini , the perfect shoe is the most absurd and strange there is.
Instead the answer is no: we assign to the Gemini sneakers but not the latest models, the  coolest and most expensive ones. No, the sneakers of our childhood, worn and used, look great on Gemini . They love them and can do whatever they want without feeling guilty!

Cancer: The perfect shoe for your zodiac sign is a sandal

For those born under the sign of Cancer , however, we must absolutely recommend a summer sandal (as their favorite season).
An open shoe, possibly with brightly colored bands, is absolutely what it takes for Cancers : seeing is believing!


Instead, we always entrust the Leos  with a sneaker. Unlike the Gemini , however, at Leos we put on their feet a latest generation sneaker, just released on the shelves and brand new that the Leos treat better than they treat themselves. Hey, getting noticed is everything, right?


Instead of a classic black décolleté, we recommend Virgo to use any one with the brightest colors possible and imaginable.
Fluorescent colors or animal patterns are perfect for those born under the sign of Virgo who love details and get noticed for their precision and beauty!


For Libra  , the perfect shoe is another of the most classic of all. We are talking about the moccasin, soft and low, capable of accompanying the Libra in all their endless rounds of friends and errands.
With this shoe, finally, Libra will not go home with sore feet!

Scorpio: The perfect shoe for your zodiac sign is the ankle boot

For those born under the sign of Scorpio  we recommend a shoe that, surely, at least at the beginning they will hate.
Let’s talk about the ankle boot, with a square heel. Dear Scorpio , don’t make that face: we know you hate heels but this is the real shoe that speaks to you. Aggressive but practical, able to get noticed but also to make your looks always elegant and precise. Try it at least!


for those born under the sign of Sagittarius , on the other hand, the perfect shoe is one of the most classic and comfortable ones there is.
We are talking, of course, about the brogues even if we recommend them with the heel, for a minimum of extra momentum!


To Capricorns we can assign only one shoe out of all: the boot!
High, possibly up to mid-calf if not beyond, the boot (without heel) is the perfect one for Capricorns . Communicate their desire to be sensual without sacrificing elegance and even a touch of mystery!


To Aquarians we  absolutely (and inevitably) recommend a very special shoe. The rain galoshes!
For the Aquarius , in fact, this is the perfect shoe: they can garden us, go around even when it rains and always be in order without having to stop for bad weather!

Pisces: The perfect shoe for your zodiac sign is a dancer

The perfect shoe for the Pisces  zodiac sign must have many features. It must be elegant and graceful but also practical and comfortable. What better shoe, then, than a dancer?
Yes, we know: they have gone out of fashion but this does not mean that they are classic shoes, absolutely perfect for you!

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