Zodiac Signs

Horoscope For The Week Of August 26th – September 1st

August was full of intense cosmic events, but in this last week of the month, we can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, will be the star of this week. It will form an aspect with Uranus, the planet of change, on August 27, with Neptune on August 28, and on August 29 it enters Libra, its home sign, but just before that, it will form a trine with Pluto.

What do all these aspects of Venus mean? The fact is that in everything related to love, art, and beauty we take risks, open our hearts, and then get a new fresh, and very solid perspective on what commitment and stability mean for each of us.

Now is the time to go out on dates with people who don’t necessarily fit into your usual pattern, to try a new hobby, and to change or simplify your beauty routine.

Mercury ends its retrograde movement on August 28, and the days after this astral event bring more peace, which I needed after such an intense August.

Discover the horoscope for the week of August 26 – September 1 for your zodiac sign:


Mercury resumes direct motion in your sector of romance on August 28, while Venus enters your house of relationships on August 29. You will experience a radical change of perspective regarding your love life, creativity, and partnership. For now, what you can do is be patient and be prepared for everything that awaits you.


This week you dedicate yourself to actions such as changing your style, establishing clearer boundaries with friends, and finding a balance so that both work at work and home are easier. Venus, the planet that rules your sign, enters Libra and your sector of the daily routine on August 29. It will give you the start of a season in which you can improve and simplify your daily routine.


For you, this week will be dominated by themes such as keeping secrets, setting limits when working from home, and regaining enthusiasm in terms of creativity or romantic plans. Mercury, the planet that rules your sign, resumes its direct movement on August 28, in your communication sector, which can bring you some delays and complications related to emails, text messages, and tasks that you have to solve.


This week is ideal for making new friends in the area where you live, to break some communication barriers, and to improve your family relationships. Venus enters Libra and your home and family sector on August 29, which will help to eliminate some tensions that you have felt in this area of ​​your life since the spring. You are in the process of building your foundation, and this means that it is more important to stay present, than to get lost in the details of the past.


Mercury ends its retrograde movement on August 28 and you may feel that it is more difficult for you to express yourself during this period. The most important thing is not to rush and think carefully before saying something impactful. The entry of Venus into Libra, on August 29, brings a pleasant stage in your closest relationships and will make some difficult conversations much easier to manage.


This week, give up those relationships, partnerships, or collaborations that no longer thank you. Mercury ends its retrograde movement on August 28 and because the planet that rules your sign will have a much slower pace in your subconscious sector, you are prone to say things that you haven’t thought through enough and that can backfire on you. Venus enters your money sector on August 29 and reminds you what your values ​​are.


This week you will learn to accept that you are not defined by your losses. You will also impose much clearer limits on your boss at work. Venus, the planet that rules your sign, leaves your subconscious sector and enters your sign on August 29. The month of August was difficult for you, but at the end of it, you feel stronger and more confident than ever.


This week you learn to enjoy the periods when you are alone with yourself. Venus enters Libra and your sector of the subconscious on August 29 and brings you that time of the year when it is better to take a step back and connect more with your inner voice, than with the world around you. If you have wanted to try meditation, now is the perfect time to do so.


For you, it is a perfect week in which to establish clearer boundaries with your family and connect with friends. Mercury resumes its direct movement on August 28 and even if you feel fine, some of the closest people in your life will have a slower pace or will face communication problems. The entry of Venus into Libra, on August 29, brings you inspiration for a new major goal.


For you, it is a good week to plan a trip or celebrate your professional successes. Venus enters Libra and your career sector on August 29 and brings you compliments from your boss or favors from important people. Mercury resumes its direct movement on August 28 which can make some negotiations more difficult.


Venus enters Libra and your travel and education sector on August 29 and brings you a feeling of relief in a chapter of your life where you felt limited in the last year. It wasn’t so bad to stay around the house more, but the time has come to have big dreams and prepare for your new travel plans.


Mercury resumes its direct movement on August 28 and after weeks of difficult communication with partners of any type, you are finally heading for clearer answers. And on August 29, Venus enters Libra and your shared resources sOn which means that it is a good time to talk with your life partner about your financial situation.

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