Zodiac Signs

Love Horoscope For May 2024. Aries And Taurus Are Favored

May seems to be the most important astrological month of this year – and even of this decade. All zodiac signs will experience changes in their lives.

The month of May begins with the arrival of Mercury in the sign of Pisces and brings us a dreamy state, we will be more capricious, and we will want to make changes. This vibration multiplies when Saturn moves into Pisces on May 7th. From this moment, we will be more spiritual and more attentive to our interior.

On May 16, Venus arrives in Taurus, encouraging kindness as a shade for all interpersonal relationships. Mercury arrives in Aries on May 19, and the spring equinox occurs on the 20th.

The following day, the Aries season begins, when the sun reaches this sign, marking the beginning of a new astrological year.

The end of May is truly remarkable. On May 23, Pluto will enter Aquarius for the first time since 1798, heralding a huge long-term change for the entire world. For now, Pluto only stays here until June 11, 2024. It’s a prelude to what will unfold when Pluto reaches Aquarius again next year, where it will stay until 2043.

On May 25, the planet Mars enters Cancer and brings a lot of inner turmoil.

During all this time, Jupiter, the “Great Benefic”, transits the sign of Aries, where it remains until May 16, bringing us opportunities for growth and luck.

All these astrological aspects influence, to a greater or lesser extent. So, let’s see what the love horoscope for May 2024 brings!


From May 7, 2024, Saturn in Pisces will bring the healing of old wounds in your soul. It is possible to make certain decisions that will change your relationship because now you look at things from a new perspective.

From May 19, your whole state will change, because Mercury enters your sign, bringing a boost of enthusiasm and happiness. It’s a good time to start projects, it can also be about something you’ve been putting off for a long time. The end of May , after we enter your season, is auspicious and your dreams come true.


The beginning of May is very important for your social circle. It is possible to discover surprising things about the friends you have now and be disappointed, feeling the need to move away from them. At the same time, new people will appear in your life and you will want to spend time in their company. These things happen from May 2nd and 7th when Mercury, respectively Saturn, reaches the friendship zone on your map.

You will live very complicated moments between May 16 (under the influence of Venus) and May 19 (when Mercury changes its sign, before the spring equinox) because, on the one hand, you will have an open heart for new experiences, but you will suffer and disappointment because you exposed yourself too much. It is a test that life puts in front of you to give you a lesson. Let’s not forget that Saturn, the teacher of the zodiac, being in Pisces, makes us more vulnerable.

Pluto also has a strong impact on your sign. From May 23, it moves from the area of ​​your chart that talks about personal values ​​and self-rediscovery and reach the career area, giving you a strong boost professionally. You will need to find the balance between your relationship and your career goals if you want not to disappoint your partner.


During May , you will need to pay more attention to your family and home. Venus and Saturn will urge you to withdraw more into the comfort of your home, and your family will demand your attention. You may also experience some problems regarding its members.

About social relations and friendships, there are many pleasant surprises, especially after May 19, when Mercury moves to the friendship zone on your map. This means that you can start being more open in discussions with them.

Quite a few internal conflicts appear towards the end of May, and in the love sector, there is silence. It is not recommended to start a relationship now, and if you already have one, avoid conflicts and discussions as much as possible.


The beginning of the month may be confusing and you may experience difficulties in making decisions and taking action. Be gentle with yourself and be patient, it’s just an opportunity through which the stars allow you to be introspective and think about your plans.

Good news comes from May 16, 2024, when Venus reaches the friendship zone for you, allowing you to form a love relationship with someone from your entourage. It seems that the person you were looking for was always by your side. Or, if you are already in a relationship, you will find in your partner a reliable friend, with whom you can communicate openly.

The spring equinox on May 20 brings new goals for you, succeeding in making you more confident in your strength. In addition, on May 25, Mercury enters your sign and brings you a lot of initiative and mental strength!


You will have a rather manipulative attitude at the beginning of the month. Your intentions are not exactly bad, but you resort to persuasive methods to achieve your goals. Those around you will notice and may not be happy with what is happening.

Things become simpler from the middle of the month when trips are announced on the horizon. You feel the need to get out of your comfort zone and plan some adventures or even go on a spontaneous vacation. In terms of love relationships, things will stagnate almost all month, because you prefer to focus on your growth.

But things will change radically from May 23, 2024, when Pluto moves into the love zone. All kinds of opportunities appear, invitations to meetings or flirtations, which will make you understand that it is time to throw yourself into the arms of love again. If you are in a relationship, you will see how the passion reappears between you.


All the emphasis is on your love relationship, since the beginning of the month. Your ruling planet, Mercury, will help you communicate more freely and make yourself understood easily. This a very good opportunity to discuss sensitive topics with your life partner. If you are single, you can go out on dates in the first part of the month, because honesty can help you win over someone special.

Starting from May 16, you can go on vacation with your partner, because trips and moments spent together are favored. You can get to know each other better on a deep level, especially if you choose a romantic destination.

The end of the month will make you jealous, and the flames of passion will be replaced by conflicts. Be careful not to make unjust accusations.


The first part of the month will be a little slower and, from the point of view of relationships, nothing special happens. But, from May 16, when Venus reaches the love zone on your map, you will feel that you are starting to live again. You feel a burning passion and, if everything is fine in your relationship, you both enjoy beautiful moments together. However, be careful: if you had problems in your relationship, now they will be accentuated, and jealousy will reach maximum heights.

Fortunately, the problems will not last long, because the vibration that Mercury brings, from May 19, together with the energy of the equinox, love will float in the air. Conflicts don’t resolve themselves, it’s just that it will be easier to communicate.

Be careful, because, at the end of the month, a person from the past may come back into your life, along with certain problems.


Your friends are with you at the beginning of the month and you can rely on them if you have problems. You will even feel the need to share certain secrets with them, which is not necessarily in your character. By the middle of the month, you will feel a special openness.

Venus supports you in terms of romance and love, so after May 16 you can go out on dates. If you are ready to have a relationship, this is a very favorable period. And if you already have a partner, you will feel closer to him than ever.

Pluto in Aquarius, from May 23, brings a strong impact on your family life. Moreover, it is announced that this is the targeted sector in the next 20 years when you will have to pay a lot of attention and energy to your loved ones.


Although the month starts with the family in the foreground, after the first week of May you start dedicating yourself more to work and become a bit absent. Your loved ones will not hide and reproach you for this lack of availability. Although it will be difficult to reconcile the two priorities, you will manage to bring harmony to your home in the middle of the month. You will have better energy, and your life partner and family members will feel it.

Even better news comes from May 19 when, under the impact of Mercury, you rediscover the enthusiasm to live and you have more zest for life than ever. Now is the time to go out on the town with your friends, to go on a trip with your lover, or simply to organize dinners and game nights at your home.

The end of May is beneficial to focus on things that bring you happiness, such as your hobbies.


Until the middle of May , no important change in the love plan is announced. However, prepare for fireworks after the middle of the month. Venus changes its sign on the 16th and brings one of the most favorable periods of the year for you to fall in love. If you are alone, go out on the town and go on dates because you might find a very special man. It will be a truly magical time!

It will also be about love on May 19, when Mercury changes its sign, bringing good news in terms of feelings and emotions. You just have to be open and you will receive extraordinary news. In the following days, on May 20 – the equinox, and May 21 – the Aries season begins, it will be about some serious conversations about you and your partner.

I end the month on an intense note. Conflicts are not excluded, but even they will have a positive finality. It’s a pretty good month for you!


It is a month in which you will need to keep calm and show patience. In the first part of the period, you will find yourself involved in all kinds of situations and conflicts that will tire you and make you ask questions about your relationships.

Things will settle down after May 16, when Venus helps you smooth out conflicts and talk openly with your life partner or friends. If you are alone, only towards the end of the month would it be good to try to meet someone, because until then you are not at an advantage.

May 23 is special for you because Pluto arrives in your sign after more than 200 years. This astrological event will have an immediate impact and you may notice that lessons about self-development, intuition, and spiritual growth come your way – because this is what it will be about in your case.


Mercury arrives in your sign on May 2. The beginning of the month comes with excellent energy. You are full of life and you complete everything you set your mind to. Your personal life is advantageous, so you can solve certain problems with your partner. For example, it is possible that he has felt ignored lately or that he thinks that you were selfish. Try to fix as much as possible.

The good news is that from May 19 Mercury leaves your sign and brings abundance. This will manifest itself more on a professional level, that is, in love and passion. It will be a rather short, but very intense period.

The end of the month is beneficial for new beginnings. Thus, if you are alone, now it would be good to meet someone new. Also, if there are problems in your relationship and they haven’t improved despite the opportunities of the last period, maybe you should end it.

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