Zodiac Signs

Love Horoscope For The Week Of August 19th-25th, 2024

It is a charged period in the cosmos, and our hearts will feel the effects.

The August 19-25 love horoscope begins strongly with a Full Moon in Aquarius, Monday, which brings a great need for freedom. The “seeds” we have planted in our souls will manifest as we dreamed. The people in our lives will be divided into truly our friends and those who must be removed. It’s a good day for declarations of love.

Also on August 19, 2024, we experience a Sun (Leo) – Uranus (Taurus) square, and on Tuesday we have Jupiter (Gemini) square Saturn (Pisces). These astral aspects are favorable for single people who want to open their hearts to meet a long-lasting love.

On August 22, the Sun ends its season in Leo and moves into the sign of Virgo. For the love plan of the signs, it means more responsibility, but also perfectionism, specific to this sign.

We end the week with another astrological square, perhaps the most important for our emotions. Venus squares Mars on August 23, reminding us that love can sometimes be a battlefield, but with clear communication and a rational mind, we can learn from conflict. It is possible to receive important lessons during the weekend.

These are the general predictions, let’s see what the love horoscope brings for each zodiac sign, in the week of August 19-25, 2024.


An ideal for which you have been working for a long time will materialize now, under the soft light of the Full Moon in Aquarius. Your dreams come true! It’s time to calm down and enjoy the pleasures of life. A romantic getaway with your loved one can be the best thing you can do for your heart.

If you are single, you may meet your soulmate this week. So it’s good to keep your heart open.


This week you will go out of your comfort zone a lot. You will find yourself in certain situations that will make you feel uncomfortable. However, you have to go through the fire to be reborn. The trials you now have to overcome are an important step towards your emotional future. The good news is that during the following days, your life partner is with you more than ever and proves his feelings to you.

If you are not in a relationship, it is not recommended to start one now. Your main concern should be your soul evolution. However, you can rely on friends for support.


You have a period with a lot of action! In your relationship, passion is at its highest and you enjoy each other in privacy. However, not everything is rosy, because certain obstacles may appear, especially in terms of communication. Learn to be patient with your loved one. There is nothing that can bring you down if you have honest feelings.

If you are single, in the next period you may be more willing to start a relationship. The stars support you and offer you several suitors, but the decision must be taken with the soul!


Your ruler, the Moon, arrives in Aquarius and gives you a freedom you rarely allow yourself to experience. However, you risk experiencing disappointment in love. Allow yourself to be gentler with yourself and your life partner and enjoy a period in which you simply live. Certain life lessons you receive at the weekend represent the answer to many of your questions.

If you are not with someone, it is not a time when you focus on love, but more emphasis is placed on your financial situation, under the protection of Venus. An additional gain distracts you and makes you focus on the material sector.


The Full Moon on August 19 takes place in your opposite sign, Aquarius. This is in the relationship sector of your birth chart. The Moon’s energy is very beneficial in this plan. But the relationship with you comes first. You receive evidence of love in your relationships with others. A partnership in which you engaged at the beginning of this year reaches maturity. There will be some surprises and some unexpected moments. Live in the present!

If you are single, it is a very good time to fall in love. Maybe it’s not exactly your soul mate, but it’s someone with whom you’ll live magical moments.


Your season begins, and the Sun supports your emotional sector. And in terms of love, you will have an extraordinary period, with a lot of passion in the bedroom. This is a good week to rediscover your relationship and to ignite the spark between you and your partner. Spend more time together and don’t forget to make wishes for the future.

If you are alone, it is very possible to meet someone interesting, especially towards the end of the week. If you have the opportunity to go out on the weekend, don’t refuse.


Monday’s Full Moon refers to your connections, both platonic and romantic. You may need to make a choice now. It will be difficult for you to decide, so you can rely on the support of someone close to you. In love, you find news that disappoints you. Do not try to overcome the problem alone, but communicate openly with your partner.

If you’re not in a relationship, it’s all about choices. Maybe you have several suitors and you have to decide with whom to start a relationship. Maybe a former lover appears in your life, brought by Mercury Retrograde.


The beginning of the week is important for the family sector. You need to spend more time with relatives or you receive news from them. It is possible that from Wednesday you need to retire and rest. Give yourself time for yourself, because self-love is the most important during this period.

If you are alone, be careful who you trust. Appearances are deceiving.


Get ready for a period with intense experiences. You may be quite inclined to excesses. You want to get many things in a short time. It is valid both for the material plan, but especially for the love one. You ask a lot from those close to you. Your life partner could be overwhelmed by this tendency of yours and quarrels arise. The solution? Shopping and patience are recommended for you this week.

If you are not with someone, make sure that you are yourself in the social contexts in which you are. Your soul mate will appear in your life, but he needs to know you.


Your ruler, Saturn, has intense activity in the sky this week. That’s why you might have some intense days in terms of the relationship. Go from nervousness to passion and love. Quarrels in the couple can be managed with the help of communication, but it is important to talk honestly.

If you are single, this period is beneficial for getting to know yourself better and knowing what you want from your future relationship. Your soul mate is closer than you think.


Monday’s Full Moon is the only one that takes place this year in your sign. It’s like your second birthday! What is there to do? Resolutions, plans, dreams. It’s a good time to manifest, for example. Or write a wish list. Use the creative energy of your sign to give free rein to your imagination. The full moon supports your love relationship and you become bolder in the bedroom. You receive proof of love from your partner.

If you are not with someone, Venus gives you a special charisma, and on Friday, when it meets Mars, it helps you conquer anyone.


Your relationships will be quite complicated during this period. Whether it is about a conflict in the family, with parents or children, whether you are part of a fight as a couple, it is a sign that you need to woor rk on certain plans. A strong fear of rejection also emerges. It’s time to identify where it comes from and how you can heal your heart. On Thursday you receive good news in the love sector.

If you are single, towards the end of the week there will be opportunities to meet an interesting man who will win your heart.

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