Zodiac Signs

Love Horoscope For The Week Of July 15th-21st, 2024

Although it is not a week with many astrological transits, major relationship changes are waiting around the corner.

More precisely, the love horoscope will unfold under the same sky as last week, with the Sun in Cancer, Venus and Mercury in Leo. The real action takes place over the weekend after Mars enters Gemini on July 20 (Saturday), and on Sunday, the 21st, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn, just like last month.

Full Moons that occur consecutively in the same sign are very rare, and the reason why this is repeated now is to end, once and for all, toxic patterns and relationships, negative habits, and painful bonds.

So, get ready for an intense weekend, with transformations in your relationships and inside you. Ask yourself what your soul wants, who you are now, or who you want to become. Important cycles in life are ending now, but only to turn the page and write the story further.

Read the love horoscope for both the sign and the ascendant and find out what the stars have in store for you for the week of July 15-21, 2024!


A quiet period is announced for you, and you even have unexpected luck with some plans for your life. The love sector is advantageous and you receive a gift or good news from your loved one. Both of you may face some unexpected expenses related to housing and have a misunderstanding in this regard.

If you are single, there are high chances of meeting a potential partner… or even several. The choice will prove difficult to make. Be patient!


Although the other signs do not strongly feel the effect of a small astrological event that takes place on Monday, you are affected, because it happens right in your sign. It’s about a short meeting between Mars and Uranus, which will feel like a cosmic storm. Anxiety and even depression, these conditions will shake your heart. You may have concrete reasons, such as a fight with your partner or a betrayal in the family, but it is also possible that your feelings are troubled for no apparent reason. In reality, nothing happens without meaning. It’s the moment when the stars invite you to look deep into your heart and see: why are you running away?

If you are not in a relationship at the moment, do not expect that this week will bring you love.


Saturday is the most important day of the week because Mars arrives in your sign. The planet of action will feel at ease with you because it will urge you to make impulsive, categorical, and radical decisions. It is essential to be careful about what you wish for because now it can be fulfilled, but you will be surprised to notice that some wishes are not yours. A person with a strong influence on your mind has left his mark and you are like a puppet in his hands. If you don’t want to be manipulated anymore, now is the time to cut the cord that binds you.

In love, the situation is very rosy if you are alone. After Mars enters Gemini, you have a lot of love action, adventures, and butterflies in your stomach. There is a good chance that you will even reconcile with a former love.


You are connected to the Moon because it is your ruler and you will feel its effects not only on Sunday but throughout the week. The growing moon means for you an opportunity to change things that bother you. You will have a strong desire to arrange your home or make future decisions together with your partner. Careful! You have to be on the same wavelength because if you give the impression that you are making these decisions alone, there will be arguments or even separation.

If you are alone, it is very possible to fall in love, but Cupid’s arrow will hit a person you never expected. Maybe it’s time to give it a chance.


You are the most advantageous sign of the week. Especially at the weekend, when Mars in Gemini meets the retrograde of Pluto in Aquarius, you will have a strong desire to fall prey to love. You want to have fun and experience passion and romance. A getaway with your partner will fulfill all your fantasies. Take advantage of the influence of the Moon in Capricorn and have important discussions, make declarations of love, and live these moments intensely.

And if you are not with someone, things are even better for you. Through a friend, you will meet someone who will turn out to be your soul mate.


The universe wants to take you out of your comfort zone and it cannot do this without showing you an important lesson. It’s about the people around you. Who wants your best? Who wears a mask? The truth will be known by the end of the week, but the reality can be painful. Prepare for tears, but not of pain, but of liberation. Get rid of a toxic influence and enjoy a new path. The beginning is not easy, but it is necessary.

If you are alone, there are high chances of falling into the trap of forbidden love. Be careful what decisions you make now, so you don’t suffer later.


The Full Moon in Capricorn takes place in the foundation sector. What does this mean? That your values ​​could be shaken from their foundations. The things in which you believed blindly will now be put in a different light. The transformation could also be related to your family, be it parents or children. And in the relationship with your partner, you will change your perspective. It’s time for a transformation and the stars are impatient. It has to happen now!

If you are not with someone, in the next period you will find new opportunities to start a relationship. It’s hard for you to open your heart, but it’s time to have courage and do it.


Monday will be at least bizarre, in terms of relationships. Someone around you will make a decision that you consider crazy and that affects you more than you think. However, it would be advisable not to act and not to be influenced by the actions of others. If it’s about your life partner, the change he makes will bring a black cloud over your relationship and is the beginning of the end. You have a complicated week in terms of relationships and you might make compromises. Be careful not to regret it later.

If you are alone, towards the end of the week an ex-boyfriend may return to your life and turn your feelings upside down.


Mars visits your relationship sector for the first time in two years. This means that you will have much more action in love. Passion, declarations, and romantic escapades, a whole package awaits you. Of course, there are good chances that this action will also materialize in scandals, arguments, or betrayals, but it depends a lot on what point you are in front of your partner. If conflicts arise, it is obvious that the planets are working for you and are now digging up the wounds of the past, to encourage you to start on a new path.

If you are not in a relationship, at least an interesting period awaits you. You feel a lot of attraction for someone and, if the chemistry between you materializes, you will live a love story like in fairy tales.


You are in the center of attention because the Full Moon is taking place in your sign for the second month in a row. It is obvious that your sign is deeply affected by this phenomenon on Sunday, and your need for love and affection will be extremely high. You expect understanding from your lover in a certain situation and, if you don’t get it, a conflict will take place between you. Drama and delusion also in terms of friendships, where you find out a cruel truth.

If you are not with someone, you have a romantic meeting that turns your world upside down.


The week will go quite smoothly, but the weekend comes with a lot of emotional turmoil. You might feel trapped in one of your close relationships. If it is not about the love plan, it means that you are suffering in a friendship. Someone around you betrays you and hurts your heart. It is essential to think now that everything is, in fact, in your favor!

If you are single, you enjoy Pluto’s support to find your love. It is aimed at the sector of desires and attraction, you are seductive and passionate, which is why you can have any man you want.


You feel stuck in a vicious circle in a routine. If you’ve been planning a trip for a long time or dreaming of a specific destination, it’s time to do everything possible to get there. You need to break away from the negative influences around you. The end of the week is full of communication difficulties, which is why you could have conflicts in your relationship.

If you are not with someone, it is not recommended to make hasty decisions in love. Even if it seems that you have met a suitable partner, be patient to see his true face.

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