Zodiac Signs

Love Horoscope For The Week Of July 22nd-28th, 2024

Under the influence of the Leo sign, we have an explosive week emotionally, say astrologers.

The love horoscope is dominated by the entry of the Sun into Leo on Monday. On Tuesday, July 23, the Sun opposes Pluto, located in Aquarius. And Thursday, July 26, 2024, is important for the signs because Mercury arrives in the sign Virgo, which rules, that is, in its house, where it feels good and has a positive influence on each of us.

It is a period with many good energies that will give rise to deep emotions and guide us toward our true destiny. Astrologers recommend that we make small decisions, but with important impact, declare our feelings, and live every event to the maximum intensity.

So, here’s how these three transits will influence your zodiac sign and ascendant in terms of relationships and love in the week of July 22-28, 2024.


It is a good week for fun because the universe gives you playful energy. You are seductive and romantic as a couple, so you can enjoy passionate moments with your partner. Towards the end of the period, it is possible to have certain darker feelings about your loved one, so an important discussion is required for your future.

If you are not with someone, the end of July finds you more in love than ever. On the weekend you can meet your soul mate.


For you, comfort is important in general, but this week the stars encourage you to enjoy your home more than usual. You need breath, rest, and the stability that your family offers you. A lazy day spent in bed with your life partner will do wonders for your mood. At the weekend, you regain your energy and have opportunities to socialize.

If you are single, at the end of the week you can fall head over heels in love. This new person in your life could turn your world upside down.


The first part of the week will be quiet and you can take advantage of it to recharge your emotional batteries. Deep discussions, communication in the love relationship, and confessions, all will be healing for your heart. On Thursday, your entire sentimental situation turns 180 degrees, when Mercury, your governor, enters the sector of roots and the past. Old wounds are reopened, and questions and doubts arise about the dearest people. The end of the week comes with a revealed secret that will make you cry.

If you are not in a relationship, an ex-boyfriend (from the very distant past, most likely adolescence) could return, and the fire of passion between you rekindles.


The sun leaves your sign and moves into Leo, this also represents a liberation for you. With less activity in your sign, you can enjoy peace in your relationship with your loved one. It is a period of blossoming for you and your partner, and you will have the opportunity to spend more time together. If you are now on vacation, you have chosen an extraordinary period to strengthen your love.

If you are single, there are not many chances to start a relationship now, but it is possible to meet someone who will play an important role in your heart in the future. Do not refuse any meeting.


Start your season and you will shine from all points of view. The sun is your governor, and its influence is all the greater during this period when it transits your sign. You love deeply and passionately, which is why your relationship will flourish. You feel closer than ever to your lover and it’s a good week for declarations, marriage proposals or even a wedding. You also receive good news from, the family.

If you are not in a relationship, you can safely start one, because the stars are in your favor and only bring you people suitable for your heart. You may need to choose from several men, so go with your instincts.


Mercury, your governor, visits you after a year and his presence in your sign pushes you to improve your relationships. All the unspoken things are now coming out. You can face painful truths with more confidence. You know what is best for you and you will now make favorable decisions. In love, you get the opportunity to confront your partner, and communication will either help strengthen your relationship or drive you apart. In any case, the clarity you get is what you are missing.

If you are alone, it is possible to go out on a date that will surprise you. Something beautiful is ingrained between you and an acquaintance or close friend. Allow life to surprise you.


Relationships are put to the test this week, especially when it comes to family or friends. In love, the stars take care of you, but here too certain conflicts could arise related to misunderstandings between you, in your daily routine. A relative might say hard words to you, which will push you towards a radical decision.

If you are not with someone, it is not the ideal time to start a relationship, but you might meet a man who will make your heart beat faster. Be patient and don’t make a decision too quickly.


The Sun enters the most visible sector of your chart starting Monday, opening up a wealth of golden opportunities over the next few weeks. It is a period in which you are allowed to shine on all levels. You love and you are loved! Tuesday reflects some shadows from your past, but it’s nothing you can’t deal with. Don’t turn back, and don’t fall into the trap of making up with someone who hurt you.

If you are alone, an ex-boyfriend might reappear in your life and it is your sign to drive him away for good. Get away from everything toxic if you want a new beginning.


With the Sun in Leo, the adventure sector on your astrological chart lights up intensely. You receive a lot of energy from the Universe to be open to new things, especially in love. Allow passion to enter your bedroom and give yourself free rein to reconnect with your partner. Also, in everyday life, change the routine and do those things that you always put off. Go out in the city, go to the park, to the mountains or the sea, because you need these escapades.

If you are single, now you have a good chance of meeting a man with whom you can start a lasting relationship. There is an intense chemistry between you.


You had a rather hectic period in the relationship sector, especially in friendships. You are now ready to move on, even if you have a broken heart. Don’t allow anyone to hold you down. You are the master of your life. The stars support you to set foot on the threshold. In love, you are favored and have the support of your partner.

If you are alone, it is possible to meet an interesting man, but certain circumstances stand in the way of your feelings. You may have to fight if you want it to be yours.


The sun moves into the relationship sector and benefits you. You are one of the signs floating on pink clouds in the next period. Don’t be afraid to lose your head a little in love, especially at the weekend, when your feelings and your partner’s are intertwined in a romantic game. Be present and enjoy the romantic moments superpartners.

If you are not in a relationship, it is an extraordinary time to start one, because the stars support you. Read people well and you will instantly realize the feelings that a special man has for you.


You have a lot of work to do in terms of feelings this week. Certain fears from the past come to light and dominate your heart, but also your relationship. An ex-partner (yours or your lover’s) might test your heart. Control your impulsive outbursts and manage any challenge calmly, otherwise a huge rift could appear between you.

You need to overcome your shyness if you are alone. Opportunities for new love appear on the horizon, but you must be the one who takes the first step towards the beginning of a relationship.

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