Zodiac Signs

Lucky Days In September 2024 For Each Zodiac Sign

Astrological events can influence your luck, so find out which are the most advantageous dates for you.

The month of September will be intense on all levels and it would be good to benefit from all the support of the Universe. Guide yourself by the data that can bring you gains and achievements, both for your sign and for the ascendant.


Lucky days: 4, 13 and 22

The beginning of the month takes place under the energy of Mars, your governor, and planet of action, in Cancer, a point from which you will express your emotions and desires with greater ease. If you want to resolve a situation in your relationship as a couple, you can do it on September 4. September 13 and 22 are beneficial for the money and career sector, you may have gains or contract negotiations.


Lucky days in September 2024: 5, 17 and 23

In the first days of the month, you will have certain financial situations to resolve, but the energy of the Moon and Mars makes you extremely advantageous, especially on the 5th. This is also a good day to sign contracts. The full moon on the 17th brings you a feeling of renewal. On August 23, Venus, your ruler, squares Pluto (in Capricorn) and then moves into Scorpio. This day is very good for discussions because you will make your voice heard.


Lucky days: 3, 18 and 22

The Full Moon in Virgo and the last day of Mars in your sign will make September 3rd an extremely favorable day for you. You receive good news and you may earn money from an unexpected source. A lunar eclipse takes place on the 18th, and the autumnal equinox follows on the 22nd, key moments for your personal development. It is a good time for meditation, introspection, and classes.


Lucky days: September 4 and 26

The day Mars arrives in your sign is extremely important. He will stay here until November 4, following two intense months on all levels. You will feel a special freedom, a sense of liberation, which will give you the strength and courage to do anything. It increases towards the end of the month, and on September 26 you will make a brave and important decision.


Lucky days: 7 and 22

The first week of September is also the last with Mercury in your sign. This makes the 7th a very good one in terms of communication. If you have an important discussion to have, whether with your loved one, with a relative, or even at work, do it on this day. You will have a great power of persuasion. On September 22, 2024, the autumnal equinox takes place, a turning point for your zodiac sign, when you might make a change for the better.


Lucky days: September 9 and 21

The 9th day is the one in which Mercury arrives in your sign. Being your governor, it is an extremely advantageous placement. You will have a lot to gain from that moment, especially if you need to carry on discussions and negotiations. An extraordinary day is September 21, when the Sun, located in your sign, makes an opposition with Neptune (in Pisces), helping you to follow your intuition. It is a good day for the manifestation of ideals and for making decisions. Also, if you want to find out certain answers, you can do it on the 21st.


Lucky days: 18, 22, 26

The whole period of September 17-27 is a fabulous one for you. You are the only sign that benefits from the protection of the stars for such a long period. The eclipse on September 18 opens the way because it urges you to start a period of personal development. The energy is amplified by the transit of the Sun in your sign, which marks, on September 22, the season of Libra and the autumnal equinox. A very good day to make wishes, because they will come true. Later, on September 23, Venus makes a final planetary aspect in your sign, a square with Pluto in Capricorn, favoring your financial sector. On the 26th, Mercury arrives in your sign and brings you a great power of persuasion. You will get everything you want.


Lucky days: 5 and 19

Uranus illuminates your relationship sector and, although it can sometimes be challenging, on September 5 it does you a great favor. A discussion with a close person will bring you closer to a dream that you have had for a very long time. You will be able to complete an important project. Also, on the 19th, immediately after the eclipse, you will receive important professional news.


Lucky days: 3 and 30

The beginning and end of the month are good periods for you, in terms of career and money. You have many gains, some of which you did not even dream of. Have confidence in yourself and support your point of view, because you will be advantaged by the stars in these data.


Lucky days: September 2 and 23

Ever since the first day of the month, Pluto returns to your sign, in a retrograde motion. Although these transits are not the most advantageous, usually, at this moment for you, they represent an awakening to reality. On September 2, you will have a revelation that will bring many changes to your soul. On September 23, Pluto, in your sign, opposes Venus, bringing you important support from an older person.


Lucky days: 8 and 20

Remember these days if you have exams or presentations. As much as possible, try to allocate academic or professional events to these dates. Your speech will be supported by the stars and you will have inspiration in everything that means education and development.


Lucky days in September 2024: 11 and 18

The first part of the month is quiet for you, and on September 11 you will receive good news that you have been waiting for a long time. However, the truly lucky day for you and one of the best of the year is September 18, when there is a Full Moon eclipse in Pisces. This comes with many gifts for your heart: clarity in love, balance, temperance, calmness. Your dream will come true!

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