Zodiac Signs

Pisces Season Has Begun. We Get in Touch With Our Deepest Feelings

The stars are preparing a surprise for each zodiac sign. Find out what your surprise is.

With the Sun in Pisces, every zodiac sign will have an incredible opportunity in the coming period. This will have to do with the energy of the Universe pouring into us, helping us achieve our deepest dreams. These weeks are also good for reflecting on the past and using creativity in expressing emotions. Here is what the stars have prepared for each zodiac sign:


Aries is known for its boundless energy. But in this Pisces season, you should slow down a bit. The stars are trying to convince you to value the time you spend your time, to be in connection with your moods, emotions, and feelings.


Try not to be the emotional sponge this time. But don’t abandon the people around you. Use the next few weeks to become the emotional confidante in your social group. It’s not as easy as it sounds, I know. But being aware of other people’s feelings will help you understand them and understand their problems. Use this ace up your sleeve to further strengthen your connections with those around you.


Your career path seems more aligned than ever; you are in the spotlight and you enjoy it to the max. The next few weeks will help you create a very close connection between your feelings and responsibilities. You will find more depth in professional contributions.


You will be stepping out of your comfort zone this Pisces season. It’s an excellent time to pursue something more meaningful and open your soul to new connections – on all levels. Believe in yourself, the Universe is on your side.


The energy of this season has to do with your emotional life. Trust yourself and the people around you. You also have the opportunity to test your deepest feelings and emotions – especially towards a relationship that you still haven’t healed from. Be honest with yourself.


In the Pisces season, you may be challenged by the Universe to show your true face, to become vulnerable. This time seek healing in your soul. Don’t resist the Pisces energy and allow it to soften your emotions. Share what you feel.


Restructure your schedule during this time. Focus on yourself. Learn to be a little selfish, put yourself first, and take care of yourself. Choose to be gentle with yourself, you’ve been through so much. You need to heal.


Art and romance will make a good home in the coming weeks for you. For a few days now you have been trying to create something out of your emotions; take advantage of this period, listen to your thoughts better, enter your passion, and fulfill your dreams.


It’s time to step away from all the spotlight and focus only on yourself. Listen to your heart, and make decisions with your soul. Regardless of what people around you say, choose to let your intuition guide you. Connect emotionally with your mind.


Pisces season can bring a lot of conversation for you this time. Don’t get overwhelmed by calls or messages. Try to be human, to feel – create real connections with the people around you. But also make sure you take care of your emotions too.


The last few weeks have been quite interesting for you as they have helped you understand your identity. You most likely feel more present than ever in your life. Choose to keep this special connection you have created with yourself and turn your attention to your goals as well.


Happy birthday, my dear born under the sign of Pisces. Your season makes you shine brighter than ever. You are sensitive, creative, and have incredible intuition. Now, put these qualities out there for the world to see. You can inspire people to be more vulnerable and empathetic.

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