Zodiac Signs


Not all zodiac signs are good and kind. Some can also be very abrupt, and one is particularly abrupt.

Our astrological belonging gives us distinctive characteristics that can be read as qualities or defects . Among the various defects stands out that of being pungent and outspoken for the sign of which we will talk to you today.

If there is a sign that always says what it thinks without turning around and without sweetening the pill, that is the sign known to be the most mysterious of the horoscope, do you understand who it is?

Scorpio is the most direct sign of the zodiac

When Scorpio shoots his arrow it goes straight and hits exactly right. These arrows are poisonous and hurt, they arrive without warning, like a cold shower and once the stone is thrown the Scorpio does not fail to motivate and argue for a long time and with precision the reasons that generated the bitter judgment of him.

Do not expect a joke from this sign and go, this sign pulverizes its bone to the last shred. Especially if he is wronged, he can be tough and vengeful like no other.

If Scorpio is defined as an introverted and mysterious sign , it is because they do not like to talk about themselves and make confidences very much. Before letting go he must trust his interlocutor and before trusting he tests him several times. The moment he comes to give his trust to someone he does not admit to being hurt or betrayed , the one who looks adorable and charming becomes a monster who does not hesitate to show all his wickedness, a facet of character that should never be underestimated. .

Scorpio is ruled by Mars , a war planet and by Pluto , which symbolizes destruction, finally its element is Water , which makes it sensitive and susceptible.

After Scorpio, Cancer takes second place in the ranking of the most direct signs. Ruled by the Moon, responsible for the fluctuations of emotions, Cancer thinks and rethinks and especially if he feels resentment and above all remembers everything, Cancer does not forget. He is also a sign of water, in case he has been wronged it would be better to prepare to suffer an attack that he will not forget.

Obviously astrologers agree that the ascendant of each sign could greatly change the characteristics and personality of each individual.

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