Zodiac Signs

The Zodiac Signs That Break Up In The Week Of April 24-30, 2024

The week of April 24-30 brings unpleasant news for 3 zodiac signs. These natives will suffer in love.

The sun has entered Taurus, and Mercury is retrograde in the same zodiac sign. This means that we leave our comfort zone and make a lot of changes in our personal lives.

On April 25, 2024, a sextile is formed between the Sun (which is in Taurus) and Saturn (in Pisces). This astrological event represents the desire to move, the desire to bring new feelings into our lives. We will feel everything more intensely.

For 3 signs, these planetary movements also bring bad news, because it could mean that their relationships will end.

Zodiac signs that are breaking up this week

Astrologers say that these signs are especially affected if they have recently experienced unpleasant events in their relationships. If they were already on the edge of a knife, now they will leap and give up fighting for a toxic love.

5 signs that attract toxic relationships in their lives


Have you been distant from your partner lately? Or maybe he’s the one who didn’t give you enough time. In any case, from frustrations due to emotional unavailability, conflicts could start in your relationship. After the Sun met Pluto, quite a lot of insecurities appeared in your mind and it could also be seen in your relationship that you don’t know exactly what you want.

Mars in Cancer sparks a stronger desire for financial security, and Saturn in Pisces brings more responsibility your way. These things will weigh a lot in the decision to stay in a relationship or break up. If you have had problems until now, it is better to separate.


Your relationship seems to be deteriorating from day to day. It seems that you have a series of problems to overcome, and the adrenaline brought by Mars in your sign does not let you rest and analyze. You simply feel that now a wave has been lifted from your eyes and you can look at your life from a completely new perspective.

If your partner does not have a place in this image that you project about your future, the separation between the two of you may be inevitable. You will receive support from the family.

What each zodiac sign needs in a love relationship


The keyword for the next period is an adjustment. Then, the planets ask you to let others make their own decisions and not to pressure them. With Saturn in Pisces, your challenge is to keep your feelings in check. In other words, haste spoils the job. If you don’t have patience with your partner, your relationship will end.

There will be many changes between the two of you, some being influenced even from the outside. A new job, a new lifestyle, or new friends in your life. These things will put you in front of unprecedented situations. If you do not face them, it is clear that love is not strong enough.

3 signs that don’t know how to love.

Astrologers point out that this information is only indicative and needs to be adapted for each situation. If you were born under the signs of Gemini, Cancer, or Scorpio, it does not mean that you will go through a breakup – if your relationship does not have problems – but that you will have more to work on your feelings during this period. Separation from this point of view can come from the routine you had as a couple or breaking up with a toxic habit. Analyze what are the things that could make your life more beautiful and apply them to find happiness in your relationship.

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