Zodiac Signs

These 2 Zodiac Signs Will Still Be Heartbroken Until The End Of August 2024

Heartbreak is part of life and love. Sooner or later, most people experience a situation where their feelings for another person are not or are no longer reciprocated, which brings with it heartbreak and emotional distress. The deep feeling of sadness, depression, and longing can throw you off track – and stay with you for a few weeks, months, or even years.

It is all the more regrettable that, according to the horoscope, two signs of the zodiac will have to go through this unpleasant experience by the end of the month. They will be heartbroken in August and will have to learn to deal with the rejection of someone close to them. They are advised not to look for the mistakes (exclusively) in themselves and to find out the reasons for the separation in a rational way so as not to let their self-esteem suffer too much and to be able to get back to life as quickly as possible.

Horoscope reveals: These two zodiac signs will have lovesickness until the end of August 2024

1. Scorpio

The Scorpio zodiac sign will experience an intensely emotional time towards the end of the month, which may remind them of past conflicts and hurt their inner child. They should be aware that current tensions in love relationships have nothing to do with a supposed lack of love in childhood. This is why the zodiac sign should not hide its light under a bushel and belittle itself for supposed mistakes in the relationship, but rather question whether that relationship gave it what it needed.

2. Aquarius

In August, Aquarius tends to withdraw and is very withdrawn. This can put relationships in love and friendship to the test because not everyone knows how to deal with the sudden defensive attitude of the zodiac sign. To avoid possible misunderstandings, Aquarius should therefore communicate clearly what is currently going on inside him and what he is feeling. If a relationship still breaks down, the zodiac sign should question the meaning of this. After all, true soul mates respect the other person’s emotional life and help them through difficult times.

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