Zodiac Signs

What You Have Zero Tolerance For, According To Your Zodiac In July

We all have small pet peeves, but there are some things that truly make us upset. Read on to find out what you have zero tolerance for, according to your Zodiac:


(March 21-April 19)

You have zero tolerance for someone who undermines others confidence.


(April 20-May 20)

You have zero tolerance for someone who refuses to grow-up and mature.


(May 21-June 20)

You have zero tolerance for someone who is clingy and unable to think for themselves.


(June 21-July 22)

You have zero tolerance for someone who does not respect others feelings.


(July 23-August 24)

You have zero tolerance for someone who will blow off others just to boost their own image.


(August 23-September 22)

You have zero tolerance for someone who tries to micromanage another’s life.


(September 23-October 22)

You have zero tolerance for someone who tries to rush others.


(October 23-November 21)

You have zero tolerance for someone who is not appreciative or mindful.


(November 22-December 21)

You have zero tolerance for someone who takes life too seriously.


(December 22-January 19)

You have zero tolerance for someone who does not care and isn’t inspired to try.


(January 20-February 18)

You have zero tolerance for someone who is ignorant and inconsiderately stupid.


(February 19-March 20)

You have zero tolerance for someone who does not respect the good things they have.

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