Zodiac Signs

Which Zodiac Sign Is The Happiest? Resilient Optimism Even On Tough Days

This sign is gifted with the ability to see the bright side of things.

Although we all have different ambitions, something connects us: the effort to reach that state of happiness and harmony. But life is complicated, and sometimes the smallest things confuse us. However, some people seem to find their optimism and well-being faster, regardless of what is happening around them. Astrologer Nina Kahn, who collaborates with Bustle, believes that the sign you were born in influences this aspect.

For example, fire signs are known for being very passionate, resilient, and outgoing – all these traits could contribute to a higher level of happiness. As far as the planets are concerned, Jupiter is considered a jovial planet, bringing optimism and good vibes to the signs it transits. A well-placed Jupiter in your birth chart could give you an advantage related to the ability to feel more happiness.

Of course, the sign is not necessarily the determining factor in the power to access happiness, but if she had to choose only one blessed sign in this department, astrologer Nina Kahn would choose… Sagittarius is a fire sign oriented towards adventure, fun, and exploration. If you were born between November 22 and December 21 or have significant planets in this mutable fire sign, joy, and rediscovering optimism may come naturally to you.

This is why Sagittarius is probably the happiest zodiac sign of the horoscope.

He is the eternal optimist

Ruled by the ever-optimistic and lucky planet Jupiter, Sagittarians generally have a positive and hopeful outlook on life and find it easier to maintain a glass-half-full mentality, even when life gets tough. As a sign symbolized by the cosmic archer, Sagittarius aims high and has high aspirations. He is not afraid of failure – even if he misses his chance, he knows that he will end up in a new and interesting place.

This sign is always willing to take a risk to try something new. In addition, being one of the mutable signs of the zodiac, Sagittarius knows how to let go and adapt to new situations, that’s why the more difficult moments don’t bring him down.

He likes to celebrate

No sign parties are better than a Sagittarius. Fun is almost always a priority for him. Sagittarius season overlaps with most of the holiday season, an additional reason to let yourself be conquered by the festive spirit and connect with those around you.

He is open to new adventures

Sagittarians are free spirits, so they never tire of exploring. I rarely say no to opportunities to experience something new and exciting. They like to meet new people, try new things, and visit exotic places. Being stuck in the same routine becomes almost a nightmare for a Sagittarius. He grows through new experiences and is in constant motion, having a rich and exciting life.

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